The Time Change Is Bad For My Health
And Confuses Our Cats Meal Time
According to scientists and podcasters, the time change is bad for our health. There’s something completely unnatural about jumping our clocks ahead like we are futuristic time travelers. Until we discover how to actually bend time we really shouldn’t be messing with it. Therefore it’s time we undid the magic behind springing ahead and falling back.
Personally, the time change is bad for my body because I take a full day of seizure medication like clockwork at 8 p.m. The hour difference throws this schedule off because the new time is an hour later than my dependent body wants. I follow the clock and stick to my eight o’clock routine, but the cats are another story.
Our cats passionately hate the time change. We try to explain to them that they are asking for their dinner at the wrong time for about a week or two following the time changes and they don’t seem to grasp the concept yet. The cats, like my body with seizure medication, want their meal when their body says, not when some magically altered time does.

The hour does make a huge difference for people, and there’s science showing people are at greater risk of heart attacks following the time change. Swedish researchers discovered a six percent increase in heart attacks for the spring ahead time change.
In 1996 the esteemed New England Medical Journal published a study correlating springing ahead and an increase in accidents. A spike in accidents both workplace and traffic is plenty of reason to do with this outdated unscientific concept.
Why did we start changing our clocks?
Back in my youth I was told the time change propaganda that we set our clocks ahead because farmers. They are probably still selling this baloney! Springing ahead has nothing to do with farming because farmers wake up with the sun not the clock. If anything farmers lose an hour of prime morning time by having the clock add an hour to the evening – this accounts for those long summer evening feels.
I learned via Wikipedia the first community adopting spring ahead was in Port Arthur, Ontario. Apparently Port Arthur (now Thunder Bay) adopted spring ahead in 1908, which is weird because all their surrounding communities would be an hour different.
Some people say a mysterious doctor, who arrived in town from who knows where, influenced the townspeople in adopting spring ahead. Little is known about the time lord who changed Port Arthur’s time, but their impact would be felt across North America.
Wanting longer evenings too, Ontario towns began following Port Arthur’s magical time change, but not all. Imagine the chaos two neighboring towns would have if one followed daylights saving time and the other did not. That happened between Kenora and Keewatin, and the people who lived in Keewatin and worked in Kenora were suddenly an hour late for work. The time change impacted ferry service between the communities, which allegedly operated on both times.
Like Wet and Dry Ontario communities, the province became a patchwork of daylight time savers vs daylight time spenders. The savers argued people would use less candles, and the spenders argued it was unholy. They probably should have just argued time change is bad for your health. For a decade the time savers vs time spenders debate raged, until finally parliament enacted daylight saving times legislation in 1918.
Recently Ontario’s provincial legislature passed a time change bill doing away with the tradition. However, Ontario will not tinker with time unless neighboring province Quebec and the State of New York opt to go along with it. Savers argue only the Mayor of Port Arthur Ontario has the power to change time.
Are you a time spender or a time saver? Please leave a comment.
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